Wednesday, September 13, 2023



Sunday, September 10, 2023

My blog still alive!

 I have a habit of clearing things and deleting accounts once I plan to stop using. One of the significant one would be that I threw my lecture notes page by page once I think I remembered and noted the main points.

I saw my friend recommending that blogging can be a good side income for an introvert, and was thinking to write the random things in my life. She said there is always information gap, just like us who come from Malaysia will not expect someone bite directly into the mangosteen as it was meant to be opened with our hand and only eat the white flesh. Why not I start writing down the random stuff in my life then? 

I am glad and surprised that this blog which was created for my undergraduate coursework still alive! It relives the memory of that semester. Hoping to write down new memories in addition to those old memories